The 7-Day Alignment Challenge: Part One

This is a two-part blog post series. Check back on October 1, 2019 for the next 4 days of the 7-day alignment challenge.

Have you ever faced a challenge in one area of your life, only to feel its effects creep into other, unrelated areas of your life?

Have you ever had an issue arise in your personal life, only to notice issues also cropping up in the workplace at the same time?

Spinal Alignment

Sometimes, life can feel like it’s out to get us and the saying “when it rains, it pours,” feels all too real. However, many times we don’t realize how neglecting an important area in our life can cause a ripple effect throughout the rest of our life – without us recognizing the connection.

Spinal alignment is a fitting example of this type of causal effect. When a single vertebra falls out of alignment, it can certainly cause back pain. However, it can also cause headaches, sleeping problems, and even impacts our attitude and overall outlook on life. In trying to treat these referred symptoms, it can be easy to overlook the root cause and how interconnected our body system is.

The same way a single vertebra can impact so many other physical and mental functions, so too can a lack of alignment in one area of our life have far-reaching effects.

This 7-day alignment plan is designed to help you tackle a different area of your life, one day at a time, and reflect on any misalignment.

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Day 1: Exercise

Exercise Benefits for Health

When our calendar is full, exercise is often the first item to drop off our to-do list. However, we often fail to recognize how a regular exercise routine can help us be better workers, parents, and friends.

Sometimes, neglecting physical activity is a matter of misperception or simple dread. Just because your neighbor trains for marathons, doesn’t mean that is the same routine you should adopt. It also doesn’t mean that running miles a day is the only way to achieve optimal health.

Choosing an exercise routine that works for your schedule – and gets you excited to lace up your sneakers – is the easiest way to get back on track. Perhaps that means yoga, kickboxing, tennis with your friend, or even a couple of extra walks a day with the dog.

Reflection question of the day: How would a regular exercise routine empower me in other areas of my life? What is one thing I can do today to get back on track?

Day 2: Nutrition

The way food impacts our mood and energy levels seem to be common knowledge these days. We are also aware of the way we feel after a breakfast of coffee and donuts versus egg whites and fresh fruit.

Then why do we continue to let poor food choices dictate so many aspects of our life?

Nutrition Effects to Our Health

Phases of healthy eating and a commitment to a fresh start are often sidelined when we remember how busy life can be. However, by making healthy food choices a priority, it will not only help us cope with a busy schedule better, but it will allow us to have a much better attitude while we do it.

One simple way to ensure you won’t fall victim to poor food choices when your schedule fills up is to be prepared. While meal prep is a great option, it can be time-consuming and ultimately defeating.

However, homemade food is not the only way to get the nutrients you need. If you’re looking for permission to choose already-prepared healthy options – this is it. That might mean packing an apple for a snack instead of a bag of pretzels – both are quick and require no prep, but only one will leave you feeling full and focused.

Maybe it means picking up a pre-made healthy meal from your local grocer or farmers market on the nights when you don’t have time to cook a healthful dinner. Whatever shortcuts you can take to begin moving back into the direction of healthy eating – take them. As soon as you start to notice a boost in energy, optimism, and ambition, you should be back into nutritional alignment in no time.

Reflection question of the day: What did I eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner today? How did I feel after it? Is there a healthier option that would require just as much (or even less) work than I put into my meal today?

Day 3: Sleep

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 3 adults are not getting enough sleep. That means that when you and your two best friends got coffee yesterday, at least one of you was sleep deprived!

Importance of Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night for adults. Even if you’re in bed for that amount of time, you may not be getting the quality of sleep you need. The NSF also reports that 35% of adults report their sleep quality as “poor.”

Sure, when you don’t get enough sleep, you might notice that you’re a little groggy, you don’t remember things quite as well, or you’re just, in general, less motivated. However, the less obvious impacts of both short-term and long-term sleep deprivation are shocking:

  •  2 out 10 Americans suffer from an undiagnosed sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or insomnia (get checked if you think you may suffer from a sleep disorder).

  • Depression and sleep have been shown to have a correlation, with 75% of individuals reporting depression also reporting a lack of sleep.

  • Almost 20% of all car accidents are associated with a sleep-related issue.

  • It is estimated that $411 billion (2.92% of GDP) is lost from the US economy each year due to sleep-deprived employees…in fact, it could add $200 billion to the economy if employees got just one extra hour of sleep a night!

These statistics demonstrate the far-reaching effects sleep has on productivity, health, and well-being. Most of us already know many of the recommendations to get a better night’s sleep such as cutting off electronic use, following a sleep schedule, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine.

However, making sleep a priority is the first step to a good night’s sleep.

Reflection question of the day: How many days this week have you felt tired? Make a list of everything you did today. Note which tasks you probably could have done better with an extra hour of sleep.

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This is a two-part blog post series. Check back on October 1, 2019 for the next 4 days of the 7-day alignment challenge.

Dr. J.P. Yurgel, D.C. of Hands of Hope Chiropractic & Wellness Center located in Fredericksburg, VA invites you to get started on your re-alignment journey. Schedule an appointment today!