What is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic is about helping your body achieve optimal function and health by assisting your body's innate ability to heal. When there are misalignments within your spine there is dysfunction in your body which can cause dis-ease. These misalignments are called subluxations. Sub meaning less, lux meaning light, less light or less life. Doctors of chiropractic detect, analyze and correct these vertebral subluxations with adjustments. By aligning the spine, your body has the ability to better heal itself and operate at a higher state.
Chiropractic Care Options
Initial Consultation, Examination & First Adjustment
Adult — $120
Child — $60
Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers — $110
Chiropractic Adjustment Rates
Adult — $40
Child — $20
Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers — $30
Monthly Membership Packages (4 visits per month)
Adult — $100 ($25 per adjustment)
Child — $60 ($15 per adjustment)
Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers — $80 ($20 per adjustment)
Family of 4 or more — $280
*Babies up to 12 months are adjusted at no charge when parent/legal guardian is under care.