What is Bio-Geometric Integration?
Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) is an approach that finds stuck patterns in a person's body. These patterns contain information and may be from a physical, mental, chemical or emotional experience that could not be processed. Therefore, the patterns are held or stored in the body causing rigidity and dysfunction. Our health and vitality are dependent upon our body's ability to process the information from these experiences. If our bodies integrate/ process an experience then we are able to adapt, to learn, to grow and move forward. If we have an experience that our system cannot integrate, the information becomes stored and we hold onto it resulting in patterns that cause a state of dis-ease
To release these patterns Dr. J.P. connects with a person's inner wisdom called "innate intelligence" to find the patterns. By doing so he is able to facilitate the body in unraveling and releasing these patterns that are causing dysfunction and rigidity. By assisting the body in releasing these patterns, the body gets a second opportunity to integrate the experience and fully process the information allowing more ease, flexibility and healing in the system.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) Options
Adult — $70
Child — $55
Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers — $60
Monthly Membership Packages (4 visits per month)
Adult — $240 ($60 per adjustment)
Child — $180 ($45 per adjustment)
Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers — $200 ($50 per adjustment)